Saturday, March 29, 2014

Wow, now it seems to be moving all too fast!

There are a lot of new things happening in the world of Maker's Edge.  My trusted advisor is always warning me that I say too much too soon.  How can that be when it seems that I know so little.  I write this at 12:37 am, though I won't post till the morning. "Why," you may ask. Well, short answer, I can barely operate my auto-correct after two cups of coffee. There is no hope after midnight. Its so late, even my dog won't humor me by staying up. 

We have had a lot of amazing responses to the idea of starting a makerspace in waco. Recently, a banker heard about our plan and referred our idea to a friend. As luck (God) would have it, he owns property and just had the perfect spot open up. So after weeks of looking door to door for a location, one fell into our lap. But after celebrating for three days, the sudden oppression of financials, business planning, and a lack of revenue stream has come crashing down around us. How do I get us to doors open in 90 days when I'm still trying to figure out corporate sales and strategy. 

And so to the joy, as it's more fun to focus on. I am truly excited about the educational opportunities this space will have for Waco.  I think about all of the classes and projects and people, and my energy is rejuvenated. My dream is for people, young and old, to connect their thinking with doing. We were made to be creators, to do work with our hands and make something. And when we create together, our collective possibilities outshine any isolated effort. I imagine a workshop full of soap makers and welders, jewelers and carpenters, CAD designers and robotics teams. It just gets me all tingly inside :)

Monday, March 17, 2014

SXSW Baby!

We just happen to align our spring break trip with this year's SXSW in Austin TX.  Accident???  I think not!  It was an amazing time of meeting with other makers, techies, (and for the kids) gamers. I also got in a little shopping. Check out these neat pendants etched on the back of Scrabble tiles with a laser.
Can you say "Etsey" anybody?

There was also a huge tent sponsored by MAKE, loaded with creative ways to use and reinvent the tools around you. Lydia and I loved the DIY fingernail polish table, but 3D printing and laser cutting was the star. I really enjoyed a booth hosted by Sparkfun And, my fave spring treat that I love to eat was in attendance tweeting (Peep).  Though, the best pic was us in front of the Tardis. 
And for the gamers among is, check out this little goodie: 

Trust me!  For a little brain nerdvana, click the link to download the trial version of his game. Such a creative user interface, deceptively difficult.  It took me a while to pick it up, but the millennials (my kids) got it, no problem.   Now, my new obsession (besides Munchkins) is Settlers of Catan. I really want to learn. 

And what would life be like if there wasn't a Star Trek version for EVERYTHING!  Love it!

Can't wait to go back!  It was amazing to be surrounded by those who share in the passion of thinking and doing!