Saturday, December 7, 2013

More like a Day 2, not really Day 1

So technically, Day 1 was yesterday.  And it ended not in a whimper or a roar, but with a nod and a wink.  Which is the cosmic way of saying, "keep going, you're on the right path."  Which is a great message to have.  After all, I've quit my job and gave up an income, we are eating a lot of beans and rice, shopping consignment and no longer buying Bulleit, but have settled on Jack (on sale).  So, to put it succinctly, my husband and I are devoted to creating a makerspace in Waco.

As I write this post, we don't have a single follower.  Which makes sense, as we don't even have a business.  But, we have a passion for seeing something new happen in Waco.  And not just for us or our clan.  We believe that Waco is waiting expectantly for a place where ingenuity, practicality, community and creation can come together.  And, yesterday we received a nod from Baylor and the Bric that they may be ready for it too.

So for all of the hackers, makers, tinkerers and garage innovators (as well as the academics out there), here we come.  This post is a celebration.  Tomorrow reality will come.  Today, we celebrate and say "Hello Waco!  Here we come!"  And thank you Jesus, for showing us the right road.

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